共计 11544 个字符,预计需要花费 29 分钟才能阅读完成。
docker run -d \
--name familia \
-e MODEL_NAME=news \
-p 5000:5000 \
MODEL_NAME can be one of news
$ cd model
$ sh download_model.sh
sudo docker run -it -d --name familia -e MODEL_NAME=news -p 5000:5000 orctom/familia sh
CMD ["python", "python/app.py"]
sudo docker ps -a
上面执行完之后你可以看到容易的Container id然后我们着手进入容器
sudo docker exec -it ***** sh
上面的****替换为你看到的Container id
ps -ef | grep app.py |grep -v grep | awk {'print $1'} | xargs kill -9
使用上面的代码就是就是杀掉下面执行的sanic web程序。
接下来我们把修改的源码贴上来,这里使用的lrzsz这个软件实现代码的上传,这里Docker 镜像是基于Apache alpine这个来打包镜像的。现在没有lrzsz这个软件包,所以我们需要安装一下。
apk add lrzsz
echo "http://dl-cdn.alpinelinux.org/alpine/edge/testing" >> /etc/apk/repositories;
rz ---> lrz
在girhub issue里面看到有人遇到这样的问题,其实我也遇到了,这部分就是要修改源码了
check fail: file open pretext file /familia/model/webo/lda.conf
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import multiprocessing
import os
import re
import traceback
from collections import defaultdict
from sanic import Sanic
from sanic.exceptions import NotFound
from sanic.log import logger
from sanic.response import json
from sanic_openapi import swagger_blueprint, doc
from familia_wrapper import InferenceEngineWrapper, TopicalWordEmbeddingsWrapper
# import argparse
# parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
# parser.add_argument("--load_lda", type=bool,
# help="decide to load lda conf")
# parser.add_argument("--load_twe", type=bool,
# help="decide to load lda conf")
# args = parser.parse_args()
app = Sanic("Familia", strict_slashes=True)
app.config.API_TITLE = 'Familia API'
app.config.API_DESCRIPTION = 'A Toolkit for Industrial Topic Modeling'
app.config.API_PRODUCES_CONTENT_TYPES = ['application/json']
RE_BACKSPACES = re.compile("\b+")
model_name = 'weibo'
n_workers = int(os.environ.get('WORKERS', multiprocessing.cpu_count()))
model_dir = f"/familia/model/{model_name}"
emb_file = f"{model_name}_slda.model"
# if args.load_lda:
# inference_engine_lda = InferenceEngineWrapper(model_dir, 'lda.conf', emb_file)
inference_engine_slda = InferenceEngineWrapper(model_dir, 'slda.conf',emb_file)
# if args.load_twe:
# twe = TopicalWordEmbeddingsWrapper(model_dir, emb_file)
def read_topic_words_from_file(topic_words_file_name='topic_words.lda.txt'):
logger.info(f"reading topic_words from file: {topic_words_file_name}")
topic_words = defaultdict(list)
file_path = os.path.join(model_dir, topic_words_file_name)
if not os.path.exists(file_path):
logger.warn(f"topic_words file not found: {file_path}")
return topic_words
with open(file_path, 'r') as f:
line = f.readline()
while line:
pos = line.find('=')
line = line[pos + 2:]
topic_id, num = line.strip().split('\t')
topic_id, num = int(topic_id), int(num)
items = list()
for i in range(num):
data = f.readline()
word, score = data.strip().split('\t')
items.append([word, float(score)])
topic_words[topic_id] = items
line = f.readline()
return topic_words
lda_topic_words = read_topic_words_from_file('topic_words.slda.txt')
def get_param(request, param_name, default_value=None, is_list=False):
param_value = (request.form.getlist(param_name) if is_list else request.form.getlist(param_name)) or \
request.args.get(param_name) or \
if param_value is None:
return param_value
value_type = type(param_value)
if is_list:
return param_value if value_type == list else [param_value]
return param_value[0] if value_type == list else param_value
def strip_to_none(text: str):
if text is None:
return None
text = text.strip()
text = re.sub(RE_BACKSPACES, '', text)
if len(text) == 0:
return None
if text == 'None':
return None
return text
def response(success: bool = True, data=None, message=None):
data = {'success': success, 'message': message, 'data': data}
data = {k: v for k, v in data.items() if v is not None}
return json(data, ensure_ascii=False)
except Exception as err:
logger.error(err, exc_info=True)
msg = traceback.format_exc()
data = {'success': success, 'message': msg}
return json(data, ensure_ascii=False)
def error_response(message='Invalid request'):
return response(success=False, message=message)
def handle_404(request, exception):
return api_index(request)
def handle_exception(request, exception):
return error_response(str(exception))
def api_index(request):
message = f"Familia API is running, check out the api doc at http://{request.host}/swagger/"
return response(message=message)
async def ignore_404s(request, exception):
message = f"Yep, I totally found the page: {request.url}"
return response(message=message)
# @app.route('/tokenize', methods=["POST"])
# @doc.summary("分词")
# @doc.description("简易的FMM分词工具,只针对主题模型中出现的词表进行正向匹配")
# @doc.consumes(doc.String(name='text', description="文本"), required=True)
# @doc.response(200, None, description="""返回一个list对象,其中每个元素为分词后的结果。""")
# async def api_tokenize(request):
# try:
# text = get_param(request, 'text')
# if text is None:
# return error_response()
# result = inference_engine_lda.tokenize(text)
# return response(data=result)
# except Exception as err:
# logger.error(err, exc_info=True)
# return error_response(str(err))
# @app.route('/lda', methods=["POST"])
# @doc.summary("LDA模型推断")
# @doc.description("使用LDA模型对输入文本进行推断,得到其主题分布")
# @doc.consumes(doc.Integer(name='n', description="top n,默认10"), required=False)
# @doc.consumes(doc.String(name='text', description="文本"), required=True)
# @doc.response(200, None, description="""返回一个list对象,存放输入文本对应的稀疏主题分布
# list中每个元素为tuple
# 每个tuple包含一个主题ID以及该主题对应的概率,按照概率从大到小排序。
# 例如:[(15, 0.5), (10, 0.25), (1999, 0.25)]""")
# async def api_lda(request):
# try:
# text = get_param(request, 'text')
# n = int(get_param(request, 'n', 10))
# if text is None:
# return error_response()
# words = inference_engine_lda.tokenize(text)
# result = inference_engine_lda.lda_infer(words)
# result = result[:n]
# result = [
# {
# 'topic_id': topic_id,
# 'score': score,
# 'topic_words': twe.nearest_words_around_topic(topic_id),
# 'topic_words_poly': lda_topic_words.get(topic_id),
# } for topic_id, score in result
# ]
# return response(data=result)
# except Exception as err:
# traceback.print_exc()
# logger.error(err, exc_info=True)
# return error_response(str(err))
@app.route('/slda', methods=["POST"])
@doc.consumes(doc.Integer(name='n', description="top n,默认10"), required=False)
@doc.consumes(doc.String(name='sep', description="多段文本之间的分割符,默认\\n分割"), required=False)
@doc.consumes(doc.String(name='text', description="多段文本"), required=True)
@doc.response(200, None, description="""返回一个list对象,存放输入文本对应的稀疏主题分布
例如:[(15, 0.5), (10, 0.25), (1999, 0.25)]""")
async def api_slda(request):
text = str(get_param(request, 'text'))
sep = get_param(request, 'sep')
n = int(get_param(request, 'n', 10))
if text is None:
return error_response('Invalid request')
sentences = text.splitlines() if sep is None else text.split(sep=sep)
sentences = map(inference_engine_slda.tokenize, sentences)
result = inference_engine_slda.slda_infer(sentences)
result = result[:n]
result = [
'topic_id': topic_id,
'score': score,
# 'topic_words': twe.nearest_words_around_topic(topic_id),
'topic_words_poly': lda_topic_words.get(topic_id)
} for topic_id, score in result
return response(data=result)
except Exception as err:
logger.error(err, exc_info=True)
return error_response(str(err))
# @app.route('/distance', methods=["POST"])
# @doc.summary("计算长文本与长文本之间的距离")
# @doc.description("计算两个长文本的主题分布之间的距离,包括jensen_shannon_divergence和hellinger_distance")
# @doc.consumes(doc.String(name='b', description="文本b"), required=True)
# @doc.consumes(doc.String(name='a', description="文本a"), required=True)
# @doc.response(200, None, description="""返回一个list对象,其中有两个float元素
# 第一个表示jensen_shannon_divergence距离
# 第二个表示hellinger_distance距离
# 例如:[0.187232, 0.23431]""")
# async def api_distance(request):
# try:
# a = get_param(request, 'a')
# b = get_param(request, 'b')
# if a is None or b is None:
# return error_response('Invalid request')
# words_a = inference_engine_lda.tokenize(a)
# words_b = inference_engine_lda.tokenize(b)
# result = inference_engine_lda.cal_doc_distance(words_a, words_b)
# return response(data=result)
# except Exception as err:
# logger.error(err, exc_info=True)
# return error_response(str(err))
# @app.route('/similarity/keywords', methods=["POST"])
# @doc.summary("关键词计算")
# @doc.description("使用LDA/TWE模型计算候选关键词与文档的相关性")
# @doc.consumes(doc.Boolean(name='use_twe', description="是否使用TWE模型, 默认不使用"), required=False)
# @doc.consumes(doc.String(name='text', description="文本"), required=True)
# @doc.consumes(doc.String(name='keywords', description="关键词列表, 空格分割"), required=True)
# @doc.response(200, None, description="""返回一个list对象,每个元素为关键词以及其与文档相关性。""")
# async def api_similarity_keywords(request):
# try:
# keywords = get_param(request, 'keywords')
# text = get_param(request, 'text')
# use_twe = get_param(request, 'use_twe')
# if keywords is None or len(keywords) == 0 or text is None:
# return error_response('Invalid request')
# text = ' '.join(inference_engine_lda.tokenize(text))
# if use_twe:
# result = inference_engine_lda.cal_keywords_twe_similarity(keywords, text)
# else:
# result = inference_engine_lda.cal_keywords_similarity(keywords, text)
# return response(data=result)
# except Exception as err:
# logger.error(err, exc_info=True)
# return error_response(str(err))
# @app.route('/similarity/query', methods=["POST"])
# @doc.summary("计算短文本与长文本之间的相关性")
# @doc.description("使用LDA模型和TWE模型分别衡量短文本跟长文本之间的相关性")
# @doc.consumes(doc.String(name='text', description="长文本"), required=True)
# @doc.consumes(doc.String(name='query', description="短文本"), required=True)
# @doc.response(200, None, description="""返回一个list对象,其中有两个float元素
# 第一个表示根据LDA模型得到的相关性
# 第二个表示通过TWE模型衡量得到的相关性
# 例如:[0.397232, 0.45431]""")
# async def api_similarity_query(request):
# try:
# query = get_param(request, 'query')
# text = get_param(request, 'text')
# if query is None or text is None:
# return error_response('Invalid request')
# words_query = inference_engine_lda.tokenize(query)
# words_text = inference_engine_lda.tokenize(text)
# result = inference_engine_lda.cal_query_doc_similarity(words_query, words_text)
# return response(data=result)
# except Exception as err:
# logger.error(err, exc_info=True)
# return error_response(str(err))
# @app.route('/nearest-words', methods=["POST"])
# @doc.summary("寻求与目标主题最相关的词")
# @doc.description("对模型中的所有词语进行检索,通过计算cosine相似度,返回最相关的n个词语")
# @doc.consumes(doc.Integer(name='n', description="top n,默认10"), required=False)
# @doc.consumes(doc.Integer(name='topic_id', description="目标主题,可以为多个(一个和多个的返回结果结构不相同), word与topic_id二选一"), required=False)
# @doc.consumes(doc.String(name='word', description="目标词,可以为多个(一个和多个的返回结果结构不相同), word与topic二选一"), required=False)
# @doc.response(200, None, description="""返回一个list对象,长度为n
# list中每个元素为tuple,包含了返回词以及该词与目标词的cosine相关性,并按照相关性从高到低排序
# 例如输入"篮球"目标词返回前10个结果:
# [(篮球队,0.833797),
# (排球, 0.833721)
# ...,
# (篮球圈, 0.752021)]
# 如果输入目标词不在词典中,则返回None。""")
# async def nearest_words(request):
# try:
# word = get_param(request, 'word', is_list=True)
# topic_id = get_param(request, 'topic_id', is_list=True)
# n = int(get_param(request, 'n', 10))
# if word:
# result = {w: twe.nearest_words(w, n) for w in word}
# return response(data=result)
# if topic_id:
# result = {int(_id): twe.nearest_words_around_topic(int(_id), n) for _id in topic_id}
# return response(data=result)
# return error_response()
# except Exception as err:
# logger.error(err, exc_info=True)
# return error_response(str(err))
if __name__ == '__main__':
logger.info(f"running familia api with {n_workers} workers")
app.run(host='', port=5000, workers=n_workers)
