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1、Lost Executor Due to Heartbeat Timeout
If you see errors like the following:
2016-10-09T19:56:51,174 - WARN [dispatcher-event-loop-5:Loggingclass@70] - Removing executor 1 with no recent heartbeats: 160532 ms exceeds timeout 120000 ms
2016-10-09T19:56:51,175 - ERROR [dispatcher-event-loop-5:Loggingclass@74] - Lost executor 1 on ip-10-44-188-82.ec2.internal: Executor heartbeat timed out after 160532 ms
2016-10-09T19:56:51,178 - WARN [dispatcher-event-loop-5:Logging$class@70] - Lost task 22.0 in stage 1.0 (TID 166, ip-10-44-188-82.ec2.internal): ExecutorLostFailure (executor 1 exited caused by one of the running tasks) Reason: Executor heartbeat timed out after 160532 ms
This is most likely due to an OOM in the executor JVM (preventing it from maintaining the heartbeat with the application driver). However, we’ve seen cases where tasks fail, but the job still completes, so you’ll need to wait it out to see if the job recovers.
Another situation when this may occur is when a shuffle size (incoming data for a particular task) exceeds 2GB. This is hard to predict in advance because it depends on job parallelism and the number of records produced by earlier stages. The solution is to re-submit the job with increased job parallelism.